
Victoria, BC, Canada ยท

I currently work on the mobile team at BASE1, the crew responsible for building the next generation of enterprise e-commerce mobile solutions. I'm very passionate about software engineering and can often be found working on personal and/or open source projects when I'm not in the office. When I'm away from the computer, you can find me exploring Vancouver Island where I currently reside, climbing, cycling, running, or paddling in the ocean.

Personal Projects



Tex is a minimalist text editor for bash terminals, written in C, with zero dependencies. I started this project after having to write a memory allocator and blockchain in C for a course, and wanted to create something more usable in real world scenarios. Tex features all the typical features one expects from a text editor, with the addition of filetype detection with language based syntax highlighting, and robust searching all in a small open source editor.

March - June 2019

ISS Tracker

Cross-platform ISS Tracking & educational app

An app created with Flutter & Dart to track the current location of the International Space Station (ISS), the next time in passes over the user, current crew information, as well as history about its creation, assembly, and some other facts. The app fetches the latest information about the crew and continuous location data for the tracking & next pass features, through one of NASA's API and presents it in an easy-to-digest manner for the user.

July - October 2019

Social Beacon

Instantly scaleable and fully featured, cross-platform social networking app

Fully featured, secure, and scaleable, cross-platform social networking app. Implements all the features of large social networks such as Instagram, built on top of an intuitive, responsive UI. Leveraging Google Cloud Platform for user authentication, Cloud Firestore for image & file storage, and Firebase for user accounts, and databases, the app can be instantly scaled to millions of users.

Nov - January 2020

RNN Text & Code Generator

Smart text generation using a recurrent neural network

Leveraging the power of Keras and Tensorflow, this script generates text using a recurrent neural network. I designed this to be very flexible, working on any text source, ranging from scraped data, sonnets, a novel, or even code. I've personally trained this network and generated text based on Shakespearan sonnets, Star Wars movie scripts, and the linux kernel with great results.

March 2020


Realtime Collaborative Markdown Editor

Realtime collaborative editor that aims to assist writing content in Markdown. From pretty-ing up Github readmes, to writing copy for a JAMstack site, or simply your latest blog post, this project makes it dead simple to spruce up your content. This project was realized using NodeJS for the backend, Redis for in-memory database storage, and ShareJS to facilitate collaborative editing.

May - June 2020



Sr Mobile Developer
BASE1 brought me on as a mobile developer to assist in the development of their main client's enterprise Flutter mobile app with over 2.5 million monthly active users. Alongside shipping major features, supporting production, meeting with stakeholders, and the other various responsibilities involved with developing the mobile product and services, I also delved into developing and extending the Hybris (SAP cloud commerce) back-end along with the myriad of micro services used. This gave me valuable enterprise infrastructure and server development experience that I continue to expand upon.
Feb 2022 - present

Swift Ventures Inc.

Mobile Developer
I was contracted by Swift Ventures to assist in the development of an upcoming mobile app (Name protected by NDA). Originally brought on to upgrade and port the app to a web app, they were quickly impressed and kept me on to assist with the development of the cross platform mobile application. I was responsible for everything from programming a web socket handler to implement push notifications and real time data streaming to the app, writing services to interact with Firebase and AWS server, to fine tuning and implementing UI elements. Working remotely, I took advantage of Slack, weekly standup meetings, and the agile development paradigm to ensure consistent and efficient communication with the rest of the team.
May 2021 - August 2021

ZLK Group

Cofounder & Lead Developer
Development, design, and marketing agency leveraging the latest tech and design trends to bring digital products to life. Alongside leading the development charge on all our mobile apps & websites, I'm responsible for onboarding new contractors, writing support documentation and userguides for clients, as well as aiding in design.
Sept 2019 - August 2020


I worked with various teams consisting of writers, producers, designers, composers, artists, and fellow developers to bring a randomly selected constraint and theme to life, in a video game format (although we did occasionaly create board games). Working in bi-weekly sprints, we would come together to form an idea with what's provided, and produce a demo or MVP of sorts to present to the other teams. The following semester of each year consisted of taking the team's favourite project, further fleshing it out with new features, art, QA, and general polish all around. The respective games each year were then presented and demoed at the Press A to Start conference/convention.
Sept 2018 - January 2020

Freelance Web Development & Design

Leveraging my skills and spare time to commission bespoke web sites for customers across the globe. Starting with a design tailored to suit the needs of the customer/end user, I then use the appropriate technologies to bring that design to life, in a responsive, performant manner.
June 2019 - February 2022


Macewan University

Bachelor of Science
August 2017 - December 2020

Athabasca University

Bachelor of Science
Majored in Computer Science with a focus on networks & security, and minored in Psychology
December 2020 - December 2021


Having gained experience working with a variety of teams with a varying tech stack, I've learned the importance of having a well rounded soft skillset to compliment technical skills. Proper production and planning is instrumental to work effectively with a team, stay organized, and keep a sharp attention on the details. In my eyes, developing these skills is essential for efficient development and meaningful collaboration.
  • Programming Languages:
  • C, C++, Dart, Java, Bash, Perl, JS/Typescript

  • Frameworks/Web Technologies:
  • Flutter, GatsbyJS, React, PWA, Headless CMS, Restful APIs, GraphQL

  • Mobile:
  • Cross-Platform Flutter development, Native Android & iOS development

  • Software Engineering:
  • Agile, Database design & analysis, Algorithm optimization, Systems architecture & development, Technical writing, Restful API Development

  • Unix System Administration:
  • Network security, Bash & Perl scripting, Server administration

  • Version Control/Deploy Pipeline:
  • Git, Perforce, CI/CD (Jenkins, Bitrise), Docker, Kubernetes, Deploying Micro services and monolithic servers

Contact Me

Let me know about your company and/or project today!
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